Thursday, May 1st, 2025
Proceeds from this event will go to The Well Ministries to provide support for all youth programming across the county! All donations are tax-deductible.
Celebrate with us as we continue to PLANT HOPE
in our communities! Please join us for a delicious catered dinner, a ministry update, special music featuring several very talented students from StarLight Productions in New Prague! You will also meet our trio of attendance
coaches working the PATH Truancy Prevention program, learn more and hear student success stories! You will enjoy the heartwarming feeling that comes with bringing hope and a brighter future to our area teens experiencing hopelessness.
SOCIAL TIME – GAMES – RAFFLES: 5:15pm – 6:30pm
Dinner: 6:30pm followed by our program
Come early (5:15pm) to play some great games to win awesome prizes and YES, our absolutely fun GIFT CARD TREE is back this year!

Plant Seeds Of Hope
Raffle Item
Images coming soon
Event Sponsorship
For additional sponsorship information please contact Deb Bodensteiner at [email protected] or text/call 952.412.4430. Sponsors…please make checks payable to The Well TreeHouse Network and mail or deliver your check to 300 10th St SE, New Prague 56071 (our new business office) prior to April 15th, 2025. For your convenience there is a black lock box securely mounted by the door, labeled The Well Ministries to physically drop off donations or sponsor checks. Thank you.